Project 365
Have you heard about Project 365? It is the quest to take at least 1 photo everyday for a year. More information can be found here: For me the project means not only taking the picture(s) but scrapping them as well. I started on January 4th and hope to do the whole year. My plan is to take time every Saturday and scrap the previous weeks pictures. The thing I am finding hard is - what do I take the pictures of? So the first week of pictures are rather random and somewhat boring. I came close to not taking a picture a couple of days and had to scramble to find a subject. Hopefully as time goes on it will get better. So without further delay my first weeks photos.
Kit used was by Verena Karolyi and Doreen Stolz from
I suppose I should leave a freebie - after all, that is why most of you visit. Let me see what I've got... A template - click on the preview to downoad. Leave the love :-)