ADSD Holidays at Home Blog Train
I am not sure where the time goes. It seems like yesterday I posted my Winter Wonderland QPs and I was coming right back to post the papers. Well as you know, that did not occur and somehow it is already December. I will get them posted soon.
I hope eveyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Always a favorite holiday of mine. Nothing to do but cook, eat and visit with family and friends. What could be better. Now onto the business of the day...
I am again participating in the ADSD freebie blog train and here is my contribution:

Please visit the rest of the designers below. They have all worked hard to freebies for everyone to enjoy. I didn't make the list (again where did the time go???) but spread the word about the freebies and send people here. The Quick Pages are made in part with my kit Cottage Christmas which I posted previously. I also used graphics from the designer I mentioned in my previous post. See how nice they are. Click on the previews to download. Enjoy and leave some love!
Adele of Blind Sight Designs
Adventures in Scrapland
Amanda of Amandas Scrappy Creations
Amie of Amiebear
Beckmoores Scrapalittle
Becky's Scraps
Bouquet of Pixels
Brooke at Ahhh Scrap
CMB Designs
Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara
Deanna at Flower Scraps
Digital Keepsakes
Doodle Designs
Elemental Pixie
EmCee Scraps
Erika {aka PinkuPixie}
HeatherStokes at HSDesigns
Jayden's Mama
JIC Creations
Just Another Scrap
Kathy Goldstein
Lei at Fairydustprincess-Magicmaker
Linda at Linda's Dream Designs
Lynn of Heavenly Crafts
Lynn at TMA
Manda at Disaster in Designs
Merrilee Wheaton Designs
MsBhvin Scraps
My Little Corner of the World
Oase Panda Bear Designs
Pamela Yates at Pammy's Playground
Scrapping with Jen
Shabby Tagger
Shel at Shel Belle Scraps
Stacy at Kalo Designs
Teri at Teris Thing-O-My-Jigs
Wendi at Willow Grace Designs
WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations
Labels: ADSD Blog Train, Freebie QPs
Thank you, the quickpages are
beautiful. They will be perfect in an album I'm working on right now. Merry Christmas
Thank You SO Much for your beautiful contributions to the blog train.
Huggles, Faerie
These are so cute. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!
Absolutely tremendous job has been done on this blog which impress me a lot thanks for sharing
Pegasos World turkey
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